
visit with our social worker

Glenn & I had our 6 month check in meeting with our social worker yesterday. She is very nice and we are grateful for all her help. But honestly it was a bit startling that the first thing she did was present us with a list of attorneys to possibly contact to hurry up the process. It seemed that she was wanting to turn us over to them and was saying "Sorry. We can't do much for you now."

But that's not what was going on. She was just doing her job and stating the facts. Yes. Things are faster with an attorney but also way more money. We have faith that we've chosen the right path for us. Our agency has recently hired a new person to do more outreach. So I'm feeling positive that things will "pick up!" We were told from the very beginning that it could take a year, to year in a half. So we are half way there, could be less, could be more! I believe with all my heart the right situation will happen. And sooner than later!

We are still doing more to prepare. We signed up for and started taking classes on newborn care. I have lots of experience but Glenn not as much and I'm all for us doing all we can to be the best parents we can. I love learning more details from pediatric doctors and nurses. We make such a great team. All of this only bonds us closer and will make us better parents.

I love how the nursery is starting look. It makes it all more real. We are creating the right energy for our little one.

We are getting good at waiting! So, that's were we are. Waiting but knowing with full faith we will have our baby soon.

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